Thursday, January 6, 2011

Sorry Rush are 100% wrong!

I know, who'd have thought these words would leave my mouth. But today on Rush's show he touched on a subject that gets me just as riled as politics, and he was wrong! He talked about the breaking story today about Wakefield and how his study about the autism-MMR link was proven to be false. Rush went on to claim that this proved that there was no link between autism and MMR.

First of all that is a faulty claim, a red herring if you will. If I do a study that milk helps bones grow stronger, and it is later determined that I used faulty data, that does not prove that there is no link between milk and bone strength. It simply proves that I am a faulty scientist.

Wakefield was trying to prove a causal relationship between MMR and autism. Just because he was unable to do that doesn't mean there is no relationship between MMR and autism. To claim that causal relationships are the only ones that matter is absurd. I believe that MMR has a contributing relationship to autism. How much does it contribute? I'm not sure, but in all the research I've done, there does seem to be some link between the 3rd MMr and the onset of autistic symtoms. How many contributing but not causal relationships come into play in our lives everyday. For example, during this pregnancy if I consume sugary foods, I feel especially ill. Did the sugary foods cause the morning sickness? No, the pregnancy did. Did the sugary foods contribute to my feeling ill. Yes!

A caller called in and stated that her child had had a seizure in-utero after she received a vaccination while pregnant. Rush said that "he was sorry that happened but why didn't that happen to everyone that got the shot? And unless it did then there was no proof that the shot triggered the seizure." To this idiotic statement I say: Why doesn't everyone that gets a sunburn get skin cancer? Why doesn't everyone go into labor on their due date. Why doesn't everyone that eats lots of sugar get diabetes? Because, Rush, everyone's body is very different and complex.
Can we not take precautions unless every single person gets ill over something? A shot can't injure someone unless it injures everyone according to Rush's logic? Crazy but there is a gov't organization set up to compensate people that are hurt by vaccines. In fact $11.15 of the approximately $15 you spend per shot goes to compesate those that have been injured. I'd say that's pretty significant proof of the government admitting that people get hurt by vaccines.
Then Rush stated that this was nothing more than the liberals trying to push a nanny state. What?? Where did that come from? I'd have to say that pushing vaccination is way more of a nanny state mentality than questioning vaccination. I have a friend that studied to be a pediatrician. He said that they studied vaccination for about 30 minutes one day. He said that the professor showed them one graph and then gave everybody a pamphlet to give patients to convince them to vaccinate their children.

Now to all you thinkers out there, what sounds more like a nanny-state? The doctors being told to push vaccination (that they haven't really studied) through fear and indoctrination tactics, or just by telling you that your kids won't be able to go to school. OR A study that tried to show there might be some danger to vaccinations and to proceed with caution? Sorry Rush but your arguments are ridiculous and today I was very disappointed in you!

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